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The Time is Now.

I plan on having my students at Northbrook High school take additional classes during their advisory period that teaches the students asynchronously. The students will get to pick their own classes and will have the opportunity to work at their own pace. If a student needs remediation or to make up a credit, they can take that class also. If a student wants to take classes that aren't currently offered on campus, we can upload that information to our online platform. It is imperative for this program to begin because our students have the ability to better their lives through extra college credits being earned in high school, professional certificates being earned, and students gaining knowledge that was not previously offered.

I am speaking to the heart of the administration because everyone that works where I work knows that we are a school that is over 95% in poverty. Our students don’t want to live how they live and often talk about how life can be better. The big picture is that college sounds so hard and so difficult. If we are able to have students take these classes, learn how to learn, learn things they are interested in, and even gain college credits because they have learned extra information, college will no longer be a scary idea. With every year that passes without utilizing these ideas during the advisory period, many more students will not have a better opportunity to change their lives.

Here is my Why, How, and What.

Why - I believe our students’ desire for a higher quality of life will be obtained through meaningful and purposeful education.

How - We will utilize the advisory class period to implement asynchronous classes that students choose and complete at their own pace.

What- We offer various classes in a blended learning format that will elevate all students’ desire to learn, which will lead to students having the ability to create a solid foundation where students will be ready to take their next step after high school.

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