JOB 87
Though your beginning was small, your latter days will be great. Job 8:7 NSV
Authentic Innovation Plan
Blended Learning - Certainty during uncertain times
The time is now! Blended Learning isn't really a new concept, but it is new to many. In this technology age we, as educators, need to act like Iphones and update our curriculum more often than not. We should be maximizing the potential of our students by following the blended learning model. The video gives my testimony on my educational experience before and after blended learning. It changed my life, and I didn't know it.
In order to better understand Blended Learning, I detailed what it is and how it will best serve my campus. This proposal also explains how the students will benefit without a major structural change.
In order to implement a program there should be plenty of research that defines what the program is and how the program has functioned for others . This literature review is an analysis of blended learning being utilized in different school districts.
The implementation outline gives a timeline on how and when each phase of implementation will occur. There will be opportunities to collect data, find support, create virtual courses, install the program, pilot the program and then analyze the results. This plan will take place over a few years and then constantly update.